About Ismaal
Ismaal is an innovative cooperative business society established in 2019 with the vision of
revolutionizing traditional businesses in East Africa through wide and open parrtership and
technology for industrialization.
Our vision is to transform businesses through automation.
By investing in and conducting technical researches, feasibility studies, careful trials, and finally
launching full-scale business projects.
Our primary strategy is to invest heavily in human resources, recognizing their pivotal role in driving
transformative change. We actively seek out qualified, skilled, and unique individuals, recruiting
them to propel our initiatives forward.
Our ethics are rooted in adherence to Islamic and Sharia laws, acceptable human norms, and
universally accepted principles that promote common interests.
We often provide partnership opportunities in Mudaraba projects for investors. Additionally, we offer
specialized business support, providing expert guidance through project planning, bookkeeping,
accounting, and other essential management services.
What is Mudaraba?
Mudaraba is a type of Islamic finance contract where one party provides capital (the investor or
rabb-ul-mal) and another party provides expertise and management (the entrepreneur or mudarib) to
undertake a business venture. The profits generated are shared according to agreed-upon ratios, but
losses, if any, are borne solely by the investor.
Ismaal Structure:
Our organization chart is as follows: